杰出女性奖 2022: Outstanding female leaders recognized for sustainability achievements at WBCSD 联络代表会议

发表: 2023年5月4日
类型: 新闻

蒙特勒,2023年5月4日: The 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD) has announced the five exceptional women who have received the prestigious 杰出女性奖 (LWA)为2022年. 颁奖典礼在一年一度的 联络代表会议 ,在瑞士蒙特勒举行. The Awards are designed to recognize female leaders who have made remarkable contributions to sustainability and the achievement of the 正规博彩十大网站排名目标 (SDGs). 

自2017年推出以来, the LWA program provide a way of showcasing the outstanding business leadership of women in embedding sustainability in their company's strategy while addressing the world's most pressing challenges - the climate emergency, 自然损耗, 社会不平等. It also sheds light into their achievements to inspire other women to pursue sustainability goals within their companies and organizations. 


  • 安吉拉Cretu,首席执行官,雅芳(英国) 

  • 珍妮Wassenaar, Chief Sustainability Officer, Trivium 包装 (Netherlands) 

  • 乔达席尔瓦夫人, Global Director Sustainable 发展, Arup (United Kingdom) 

  • 什维塔Pandey法律副总裁 & 合规,梅赛德斯-奔驰研究和 印度发展 (MBRDI) (India) 

  • Siti Rafidah穆斯林, Head Capability, Embedment and Transformation, Corporate Sustainability, PETRONAS (Malaysia) 

The five recipients will receive a bursary to cover their tuition expenses for the 2023 跳跃项目, in partnership with Yale University and ESADE Business School. LEAP is an executive program for women that seeks to develop diverse and inclusive leadership that can transform the systems that underpin our world sustainably. The program aims to help women attain senior positions within their organizations and embed sustainability in their leadership and company strategy. 

The 杰出女性奖 program was launched in November 2016 and is a part of WBCSD's work on advancing SDG 5 on gender equality, 其中包括“面板的承诺” to help ensure women are adequately represented in panel discussions at conferences.  


  • 安吉拉Cretu,雅芳首席执行官“通过我的雅芳之旅, I’ve learned that meaningful business leadership is all about creating tangible value for the community, 除了股东回报. I am a deep believer in the power of cooperation and co-creation across industries and cultures, and this recognition brings front and centre the united mission of WBCSD members to positively impact humanity’s journey to sustainability.” 

  • 珍妮Wassenaar, Chief Sustainability Officer, Trivium 包装: “Being able to help influence how business makes sustainability and diversity integral and natural parts of how we work is immensely rewarding. Being recognized as a leader by WBCSD is humbling, but also an inspirational push to keep on going. The 领先的女性 Award is a great milestone on our journey towards a better future for generations to come. 来吧.” 

  • 爵士 乔达席尔瓦,奥雅纳正规博彩十大网站排名全球总监: “This award is the result of many incredible women throughout my career who have inspired me, challenged me and generously shared their knowledge and wisdom. My focus has been to try to pass this on to as many of Arup’s 17,000 members around the world – everyone from economists to ecologists. 他们的日常决策, their creativity and boldness will help move us forward to towards the Sustainable 发展 goals.” 

  • 法律副总裁什维塔Pandey & 合规,梅赛德斯-奔驰研究和 印度发展 (MBRDI):“女性作为变革的推动者确实令人振奋! I am honored to be receiving this award on behalf of Mercedes-Benz Research and 印度发展, 和这些才华横溢,杰出的女性领袖一起, 通过他们的工作, 继续激励下一代女性领袖. This award is a great recognition for our teams who are working tirelessly each day to help us accelerate towards a greener and more sustainable future. Their contributions have brought us thus far in the journey, and I am confident that this award will only inspire us to do even better in the future.” 

  • Siti Rafidah穆斯林, Head Capability, Embedment and Transformation, Corporate Sustainability, PETRONAS: “This award represents the great PETRONAS teamwork in embedding sustainability mindset in our everyday actions and systematically turning risks into opportunities. 所有的努力, 无论大小, 旨在为我们的组织文化做出贡献, driven by our Statement of Purpose as an energy and solutions partner, 丰富生活,创造可持续的未来. I am truly honoured to receive this award on behalf of the PETRONAS family.” 

了解更多关于杰出女性奖的信息, 请联系Gabriela Uriarte, WBCSD教育总监, at uriarte@iskj.net  

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