Digital 气候 Advisory Services: opportunities and challenges for sustainable agriculture in 印度






2021年6月16日,日内瓦:两新互补 报告 by the 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) released today examine the role and business case for Digital 气候 Advisory Services (DCAS) in sustainable agriculture in 印度. 的se 公共ations are following the launch earlier in 2021 of the 报告 “Digital 气候 Advisory Services (DCAS) for smallholder resilience”.

DCAS are climate-related advisories and services delivered via digital tools and platforms. 这些包括在线门户网站, 移动应用程序, 更传统, digitally enabled formats like radio and interactive voice response systems. A growing market of DCAS solutions is emerging to help farmers build resilience and adapt to climate change.

Agriculture and its allied sectors make the lifeline of the 印度n economy, contributing 17.8% of the country’s Gross Value Add (2019 – 2020 at current prices). 的 sectors provide livelihood to over half the workforce in 印度 and contribute to the food security of the country and the world. 然而, various challenges remain , which digital solutions such as DCAS can help resolve. 不过, to ensure DCAS reaches its potential positive impact and scale for the agricultural sector, key barriers will need to be overcome. 因此, the two newly released 报告 by WBCSD examine DCAS and the business case for both farmers and companies in 印度 in more detail.

 “Digital 气候 Advisory Services 可持续 and resilient agriculture in 印度” examines the specific role of DCAS in sustainable agriculture. It highlights the demand and supply-side issues in DCAS and explores the role of business in particular in scaling the use of DCAS to promote sustainable and resilient agriculture in 印度. 的 paper was developed through collating inputs and insights from WBCSD member companies active in the food and agricultural sector. 的 paper highlights the key enablers and barriers to scaling up DCAS in 印度 and based on this provides key recommendations to businesses.

One of the most crucial challenges is the lack of a clear business case for DCAS, 对农民和企业都是如此. 这就是为什么第二份报告, “Exploring the business case for Digital 气候 Advisory Services” 进一步探讨这个主题. 的 study has shown that there is a clear business case for DCAS in 印度, both from a farmer and company perspective. 然而, to reach the required scale and impact,  对于商业而言, 公共, donor and investment communities need to work together to overcome the challenges by:

  • Establishing more effective 公共/private collaboration to leverage the respective strengths of each;
  • Investigating the potential of low-cost peer-to-peer delivery options in combination with more sophisticated digital applications;
  • Supporting innovative farmer-centric models to refine their models ready for scaling;
  • Investing in the wider infrastructure and ecosystem for DCAS in 印度;
  • Facilitating collaboration and data-sharing between different actors.

的 两个出版物 identify a clear set of recommendations on how businesses can lead the way in scaling DCAS in 印度. 的y provide the basis for further work by companies to collaborate with other stakeholders in 印度 in ensuring the full potential of DCAS is realized in the country.

This work is a regional deep-dive of the work of WBCSD on DCAS that is led in collaboration with the Global Commission on Adaptation at the global level. WBCSD continues to provide a platform at the global and regional level to advance the use of innovation and technology for sustainable agriculture in a partnership-based approach.

For more information, please contact:

Sylvain Maibach, Manager Communication Food & 自然