宁静的 kicks off water stewardship action learning project at a rubber processing plant in 印尼









全球农业企业联盟(GAA), 与其成员太平农业, HeveaConnect和亚太水管理联盟(AWS A-P)正在合作,学习如何使用该系统提高橡胶加工中与水有关的性能 AWS标准 for assessing site and catchment specific risks and opportunities at 宁静的’s PT Hok Tong factory in Jambi, 印尼.


Demonstrating responsible water stewardship is an essential ingredient of sustainable agriculture and a priority focus for GAA. AWS是一个全球会员制合作组织,其使命是“领导一个全球网络,促进淡水的负责任地使用,既有利于社会和经济,又有利于环境正规博彩十大网站排名”。.

GAA和AWS之间的合作关系, 行动学习项目帮助GAA成员识别公司运营中特定地点的风险和机会,并提供洞察力和支持,帮助公司做出明智的决策,将水管理方法和活动整合到符合AWS标准的供应链中. AWS标准提供了一个可信的, globally-applicable framework for major water users to understand their own water use and impacts, and to work collaboratively and transparently with others for sustainable water management within the wider water catchment context. 实施人员遵循AWS标准中的步骤和指导来实现良好的水管理实践,从而提高现场的水性能并为更广泛的正规博彩十大网站排名目标做出贡献.


亚洲的橡胶产量占世界的90%, 与印尼, Thailand and Malaysia together comprising 70 percent of natural rubber production globally. 需求正在增加,2018年的生产率为4%.6 percent increase from 2017 levels—primarily supplying raw material to make tires downstream in the supply chain

从橡胶树上采集乳胶后, the raw material is sent to rubber processing facilities 在哪里 it is intensively washed, 准备, and dried before it is shipped to tire manufacturers that shape it into a final product for retail. The processing operation is water intensive, often requiring up to five rounds of cleaning. There are site-level and company-wide risks associated with relying on water for rubber processing: fluctuating water supply can present a physical risk; increasing costs of water, 输水成本, or operating water treatment facilities can pose a financial risk; and potential allegations related to water pollution from a rubber processing site can result in social and legal risks to a company. 在现场层面和更广泛的集水区范围内加强可持续水资源管理的干预措施可以降低风险,并使像宁静的和HeveaConnect这样的公司成为社区和整个橡胶行业的主要水资源管理者.

Visiting PT Hok Tong in Jambi: exploring how to minimize water risk and enhance sustainability

任何负责任的企业或组织都应承诺不对自然环境和社区造成损害,并力求实现净收益. A clear business case for water stewardship can be made on the basis of physical, 监管, 以及声誉风险. 对于任何网站, 包括橡胶加工设备, it is important to first start with understanding the water related risks and challenges the site is facing. Data collection and analysis can inform decision-making and lead to more effective, 非常高效。, 以及解决这些挑战的明智承诺和计划.

在8月的最后一周,GAA的代表, 宁静的, HeveaConnect, 和AWS ap前往占碑, 在印度尼西亚启动了一项水资源管理行动学习项目,并在祥洋的橡胶加工厂——pt Hok Tong收集实地数据. 以补充现场评估, 此外,我们亦与学塘PT及区内其他17家太平橡胶加工厂进行网上水资源管理调查. 这次为期三天的实地考察有多个目标:

  1. Share with PT Hok Tong, 宁静的, and HeveaConnect staff the key elements of water stewardship 以及站点级管理和流域级依赖的作用. 在基地层面——在本例中是jambii的橡胶加工厂——基地可以通过提高用水效率和减少水污染来影响水资源管理. 在集水区水平, 一个站点可能会受到其他人行为的影响, 尤其是上游用户, 还有下游的影响. 鹤塘塘位于较下游的一个较大的集水区内, 这么多公司, 社区, and government actors operate upstream and can impact water availability and quality for PT Hok Tong. 召集期间, AWS A-P introduced the AWS标准 and certification process to PT Hok Tong and 宁静的 staff for their consideration.
  2. 收集可用的定量和定性数据 了解现有的措施, 计划, 政策, and activities related to how PT Hok Tong uses water in its processes and operates within the catchment with other stakeholders. 行动学习项目的参与者还试图参观更广泛的流域和该地区的第二家工厂,以更好地了解背景并反思一个比较点. AWS A-P collaborated with the engineering firm PT Witteveen + Bos 印尼.
  3. Provide preliminary observations and rally on-site and corporate-level support 实施加强水资源管理的解决方案. AWS a - p和PT Witteveen + Bos 印尼计划反思在现场评估期间收集的数据,并提出初步建议,这些建议将在2019年晚些时候的一份长篇报告中进行扩展.


The three days kicked off with presentations from AWS A-P on the AWS标准 and its the framework for water stewardship that includes five key pillars: good water governance; sustainable water balance; good water quality; important water-related areas; and safe water, 环境卫生, 所有人的卫生. The AWS process for certification includes five steps: Gather and Understand; Commit and Plan; Implement; Evaluate; and Communicate and Disclose. Basja Jantowski, AWS亚太区印尼总监, presented the initial findings from the data submissions that PT Hok Tong had sent in advance of the site visit. 随后,工程公司PT Witteveen + Bos 印尼提出了集水区地图,将该基地定位为更广泛的集水区的一部分.

Subsequently the group donned boots and hard hats and entered the factory for a tour of the facilities, asking questions and taking notes on waste water management practices; WASH facilities for staff; water recycling between the processing stages; water storage approaches; and intake and output locations. Factory representatives explained the rubber processing operation and timeline, 详细描述当, 在哪里, 以及在各种活动期间使用了多少水.

接下来,AWS A-P将小组分成两个小组. One focused on discussing stakeholder engagement; governmental and other initiatives around the site and catchment; and legal compliance. The other focused on water technologies and engineering aspects of PT Hok Tong’s water management process. 从这些讨论中获得的信息帮助完成了评估,以确定PT hoktong在获得AWS认证的道路上所处的位置,以及他们独特的水资源管理之旅.

以此为基础, the team loaded into two cars and headed to the larger river next to which PT Hok Tong is positioned, 评估堤岸和范围是更广泛的集水区的关键部分. They also visited and toured another 宁静的 rubber processing factory downstream that was much larger. 它提供了一个强有力的比较点,将学塘PT在其运营背景下进行比较,并为AWS和Witteveen + Bos提供了一些建议的基础,以便更好地了解宁静的的改进能力. 

最后的, AWS A-P offered an initial assessment of the data gathered before and during the site visit, highlighting opportunities to improve water stewardship and reduce water risk. 主要建议包括:

  1. 增加排空污泥储存系统的频率,以防止溢流或其他风险,并评估污水再用的可能性;
  2. 通过将进水仅用于毛毯生产线或添加额外的处理技术来提高再循环率;
  3. Re-install meters at water intake and other crucial points to strengthen data consistency and quality;
  4. Consider using rainwater collection for the domestic and productive water supply; and
  5. Strengthen support activities with rubber farmers in the catchment to reduce water related risks in production regions.


在接下来的几周里, AWS a - p将与宁静的合作,制定一份全面的报告,详细说明虎塘工厂场地评估和18家工厂调查的结果和建议. Leaders from company headquarters and the processing site will determine which recommended actions to take forward, and how to leverage the Action Learning Project process and outcomes across other factories in 印尼 and beyond. 将提供一个公开版本,以便农业企业和其他利益相关者可以探索该项目的成果如何为他们自己的水资源管理工作提供信息.

过去的两天收获颇丰,让我们大开眼界. 我们看水的方式和你们不一样. Without water we cannot function but we never had such a comprehensive view of water especially in terms of risk, 不仅仅是在可持续性方面. We have learned a lot, especially in terms of…how we assess water as a part of the business risk. –  李志明,质量保证,平安

我们非常谨慎地选择(正规博彩十大网站排名)项目. 非常有见地.5天来,提出了很多非常相关的问题. 我个人觉得它非常有趣和令人兴奋. –  Kavickumar MuruganathanHeveaConnect正规博彩十大网站排名副主任

I am personally excited with the staff we have here [at the site assessment]. It shows the broad interest from the organization at the site level, Hevea Connect and 宁静的. 除了我们从这些数据中得到正规博彩十大网站排名, 最重要的是我们让所有人都参与进来. 最后, the outcome of this work will be a site-specific plan that PT Hok Tong will implement and own. We are pleased to see that level of commitment already happening here at the site. – Basja Jantowski, AWS亚太区印尼总监.