







Esther Perrin,移动数字化,WBCSD

在今天宣布的一项数字合作计划中, Arcadis 和 Fujitsu have developed digital solutions for municipalities 和 businesses aimed at optimizing the deployment of multimodality to achieve low-emissions 和 accessible mobility.

Meeting the Paris Agreement climate goals requires aggressive electrification of transport. 然而, 随着乘客出行需求的增加, electrification alone will not suffice 和 must be coupled 与 increasing transport efficiency. 此外, 加强对城市中心ICE车辆流通的限制, 新兴技术和新的通勤模式带来了新的出行解决方案美国正在为一种新的移动模式奠定基础.

城市交通规划师, mobility providers 和 businesses 与 sustainable employee mobility strategies are striving to promote sustainable new mobility solutions. 他们如何促进通勤者向可持续交通方式的转变(模式转变)? 他们应该优先考虑哪些基础设施和政策,以产生最大的影响?

Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) is an emerging digital mobility solution that can radically improve transport efficiency by integrating multiple transport modes into a more efficient 和 user-centered mobility offer. The real environmental impact of MaaS will depend on its ability to motivate modal shift 和 commuter choices at a large scale.

In a new digital collaboration initiative announced today by the 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) Transport & 流动路径, Arcadis 和 Fujitsu have developed digital solutions for municipalities 和 businesses to optimize the deployment of multimodality 和 new mobility solutions 与 regards to modal shift 和 sustainable mobility.

用例将被应用 Arcadis的移动枢纽模块 和 富士通的社交数字孪生技术. They will test how different transport planning scenarios promote multimodal 和 sustainable commuting. 正在研究的方案是调整停车费和建立交通枢纽, to be evaluated based on their effect on modal shift 和 associated cost 和 time of travel 和 transport-related emissions. The simulation will be carried out in the Greater London Region 与 data from Transport for the South-East (TfSE) 和 Michelin Mobility Intelligence. 富士通的初步模拟结果表明,CO含量可能达到12%2 减少通勤者转向更可持续的交通方式.


Digital collaboration among all MaaS stakeholders will ensure that cities 和 MaaS operators can exp和 the scope of mobility services to facilitate traveler access 和 maximize transport efficiency 和 decarbonization benefits.

With extensive access to disaggregated data from across the spectrum of MaaS stakeholders, cities 和 mobility providers can design MaaS based on more accurate predictions of mobility patterns 和 how they are set to evolve.

除了基本功能街区,方便路线规划, MaaS运营商可以创建有价值的附加服务模块 by integrating assets such as user profiles for personalization or booking 和 payment platforms to centralize ticketing.

尽管经常被遗漏在MaaS设计之外,但私家车数据是一个必不可少的模块. Transport planners need a better underst和ing of the needs 和 preferences of drivers – particularly in more remote or underserved regions – to effectively influence modal choice 和 optimize infrastructure investments in the electric vehicle (EV) era. MaaS operators can significantly contribute to sustainable mobility strategies by integrating EV charging locations 和 pre-booking in their service offerings.

Private car data integration is a key element of the collaborative digital solutions developed by Arcadis 和 Fujitsu.

 “与富士通合作非常愉快, Michelin Mobility Intelligence 和 TfSE 和 we recognise the importance of working collaboratively 与 organisations to accelerate a planet positive future. 私家车使用数据通常是MaaS应用程序中缺失的一个组成部分, but the reality is that many people continue to rely on their car in part for some journeys. We wanted to explore how including this data could influence peoples travel behaviour in a multimodal digital environment to optimize the environmental 和 social impact of these journeys,西蒙·斯旺评论道, 全球解决方案总监, 阿卡迪斯的新机动性.


由于无缝集成和正确的数字建模解决方案, cities 和 businesses can harness the full potential of MaaS as an accelerator of their respective Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans 和 sustainable commuting policies.

市长, 州长和议员, business 和 civil society leaders will gather for COP28 in Dubai 和 agree on the next climate action steps, 与 定于12月6日举行的交通主题会议. 他们必须整合新的数字和移动解决方案, 比如MaaS, 作为可持续交通的有力工具. Integrating digitalization in transport decarbonization pathways starts 与 the introduction of the right digital governance frameworks, 和 与 investments in governments 和 businesses’ capacity to engage in data sharing 和 digital collaboration.

WBCSD运输 & 流动路径 gathers companies to accelerate transport decarbonization 和 promote data sharing 和 digitalization as core solutions for the transition to sustainable mobility. Fifteen of our member companies are building a data-sharing coalition to bolster new digital solutions for the transition to zero-emission mobility. 今年早些时候,他们 demonstrated how digital collaboration across the electric mobility value chain could accelerate the deployment of charging infrastructure 实现交通运输气候目标. 2024年初, 他们将发布一个加速MaaS部署的数字框架, 促进可持续城市交通. 如欲了解更多有关计划的资料,请联络Esther Perrin (perrin@iskj.net).