Business and Policy: now is the time to reach across the divide

发表: 2024年4月18日
作者: Jennie Dodson, Senior Director, Policy Advocacy & Member Mobilization, WBCSD
类型: 洞察力

为什么政策参与对企业实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标至关重要? How should ambitious 企业 work most effectively with governments? 公私合作如何能更快地释放投资并扩大市场规模?


过渡计划 is moving to center stage. 过渡计划 新兴市场是否成为公司商业战略的关键组成部分——有助于向客户解释, 股东, 政府和投资者如何将他们的核心业务与净零排放保持一致, 自然-positive, 公平的未来. As countries look to meet their net-zero commitments, they are beginning to explore mandating transition plan disclosure, 包括通过 EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting DirectiveTransition Plan Taskforce (TPT) set up by the UK government.

This is bringing to the forefront dependency on policy shifts. As transition pathways are better understood, the dependency of 企业 on policy shifts to achieve their climate, 自然 and equity goals becomes clearer. 例如, 企业可能依赖于政府扩大基础设施以获得低碳电力,或者他们的供应商可能需要获得目前无法交易的回收材料. As an example, Iberdrola has set in its 气候行动 Plan a 目标 to reach zero net emissions across all its activities by 2040. 他们有 highlighted that policy ambition 让价值链上的所有各方都参与进来,对实现目标至关重要. 同时, the longer governments delay, 越乱, disruptive and abrupt the policy response will 不可避免地, creating greater uncertainty and risks to business.

And driving disclosure of policy engagement up the business agenda. It was only two years ago that the ‘5th P’ was added as a criteria to the UN 气候 Change High-Level Champions Race to Zero campaign呼吁企业将政策参与与其净零承诺保持一致. 现在, 投资者 are demanding increased accountability on political activity, the UN 非国家实体净零排放承诺高级别专家组 highlighted the need to align lobbying and advocacy, 和 TPT披露框架 建议披露企业如何与政府和政策制定者合作以实现其战略目标的信息. Last year, the We Mean Business Coalition, involving WBCSD, launched the Responsible Policy Engagement framework今年早些时候,《正规博彩十大网站》杂志也推出了一个,为企业提供工具包.

各国政府也日益认识到,要实现其国家目标,需要来自私营部门的投资规模. With governments facing challenging fiscal and market conditions, a significant expansion of public sector climate finance is difficult. 各国政府正越来越多地寻求私营部门为所需的缓解和适应投资提供资金——估计为 be US$2tn in emerging and developing countries by 2030 最高可达1美元.要在航空、航运、公路货运、钢铁和水泥行业实现净零排放,需要6万亿美元.6万亿年. 《正规博彩十大网站排名》的 Global Stocktake Synthesis Report emphasized the need for stronger cooperation between governments, 企业, 加快进展的资金和民间社会,以及《正规博彩十大网站排名》下一轮国家气候计划(NDCs)(将于2025年2月到期) 被运走 作为国家和行业的经济和投资计划——认识到需要引入私营部门来加速低碳和气候适应型增长.

然而, 大多数企业和政府尚未共同努力推动整个经济的系统性变革. 企业需要明确的政策来创造转型机会,以促进新解决方案开发和扩展方面的长期规划和投资. 这可以包括法规、补贴、公共采购和碳定价. 政府需要私营部门的支持来支持新政策的实施. 然而, even where a policy will support 企业 to achieve their goals, many are not leaning in to support. As an example, the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S.,这 unleashed US$110 bn in private sector investment into new clean energy manufacturing in its first year of implementation, was 公开支持 仅为美国的19%&标准普尔100强公司. 同时, only 13 percent of countries 积极与私营部门合作,制定2021年国家气候计划.

With incentives increasingly aligned, 再加上不确定性, 这可以为政府和企业之间新的有效合作模式创造空间. 目前,世界还没有走上实现净零排放、对自然有利的公正过渡的轨道. We are reaching tipping points of transformation – both positive and negative. 而可再生能源和电动汽车的部署每2-3年翻一番, climate scientists are alarmed that surface air temperatures have reached 1.5°C above the pre-industrial norm for the first time over a year. 随着政府和企业越来越多地将这些指数级变化视为核心战略和经济风险与机遇, 激励机制正在调整. 这一共同挑战为公共和私营部门采取新方法、共同解决问题开辟了空间,这些问题可以释放投资,推动市场创造, 价值和工作.

这是一个激动人心的时刻,可以促进公共和私营部门之间的合作,加速正规博彩十大网站排名. The challenges are not to be underestimated. 围绕转型成本展开的地缘政治背景和政治战场造成了重大的不确定性. 但是,由于风险和机遇的增加,利益的一致性只会增加.

今年及以后, I 和 brilliant team I am fortunate enough to work with, 我们期待着与正规博彩十大网站排名合作,确定我们如何为这一议程作出积极贡献.

  • 支持会员为以正规博彩十大网站排名为重点的政策参与制定商业案例.
  • 在企业之间建立能力,使其宣传活动与正规博彩十大网站排名目标保持一致.
  • 为企业和政府建立创新机制,共同解决问题,实现净零排放, 自然 positive and just transition pathways.



  • 气候, 自然, and equity have become paramount concerns for both governments and 企业, shaping strategic decisions around economic risks and opportunities.
  • 对政策参与信息披露的需求不断升级,标志着商业格局的重大转变, 强调企业必须将倡导工作与正规博彩十大网站排名目标结合起来. 
  • 政府需要来自私营部门的大量投资来实现其国家目标——这提供了一个独特的合作机会, driving innovation and scale in sustainable solutions.
  • 这些共同的挑战为公共和私营部门共同解决问题创造了新的机会.

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