Nestlé reduces its greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 and delivers significant progress against its net zero ambition

发表: 2024年4月4日
作者: 雀巢
类型: 正规博彩十大网站

雀巢雀巢净减少了13%.5% of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023 compared to its 2018 baseline, while continuing to grow its business over the same period. This included delivering a reduction of more than 15.甲烷排放量减少3%. The company has successfully decoupled its growth from its emissions and is on track to reach a 20% absolute reduction of GHG emissions by 2025.

These significant reductions in GHG emissions come from programs and initiatives implemented across all three scopes of activities (scope 1, 2和3). In 2023, 94% of the decline of Nestlé's GHG emissions came from reductions in its operations and supply chain.

安东尼娅万纳, Group Head of ESG Strategy and Deployment at Nestlé said: "Our progress on emissions reductions is proof of our unwavering commitment to our net zero roadmap. We are working closely with our partners to help make food production more sustainable, while aiming at enhancing livelihoods across our value chain at the same time. A just transition is crucial to accelerate our efforts."

More than two-thirds of Nestlé's GHG emissions come from sourcing its ingredients, and dairy is the single largest source of emissions. 解决农场层面的排放问题, Nestlé is working with its suppliers and the farmers it sources from to help them transition to regenerative agriculture practices, based on five key pillars of action: diverse cropping systems and livestock integration, 生物多样性, 集体和景观行动, 土壤健康, 水的安全和质量. All measures are tailored to the region concerned and are locally relevant.

The company is committed to providing technical, 协作, or financial assistance to support a just transition for the farmers with whom it works. 咖啡的工作, through the Nescafé Plan 2030 and the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program, 或者可可粉, 通过收入加速计划, are helping increase productivity and improve farmers livelihoods. One quarter of the reductions achieved in 2023 came from dairy and livestock projects such as our initiatives under the Ninho brand in Brazil.

去年年底,这个数字是15.2% of Nestlé's raw materials were sourced from farmers adopting regenerative agriculture practices. The company's ambition is to get to 20% by 2025.

Nestlé is also making its own operations more energy efficient and is increasing its use of renewable electricity. 截至2023年底,91人.9% of the sourced electricity in its global manufacturing sites was from renewable sources.

展望未来, Nestlé is working on further reducing emissions through a combination of agroforestry, deforestation prevention and new farming practices, while boosting innovation both in products and in agri-tech through its own research and development and external partnerships.

Nestlé has approved near and long-term science-based emissions reduction targets with the SBTi. The SBTi has validated Nestlé's net-zero science-based target by 2050. These targets include its specific Forest, Land and 农业 (FLAG) sector objectives for 2030 and 2050. The company is delivering its roadmap through emissions reductions and value chain removals. It does not use offsets/voluntary market credits to deliver against its SBTi-validated targets.

Nestlé's 2023 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are EY assured and available in Nestlé's Creating 分享d Value and Sustainability Report 2023 (pdf, 19Mb).

加入 雀巢的现场虚拟活动 on March 12 at 3pm CET to know more about the company's progress in 2023.

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