WBCSD and CEBDS Join Forces to Deliver Business Impact on the Road to COP30

发表: 2024年4月23日
类型: 新闻

蒙特勒, 瑞士 – The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) and the Brazilian Council for Sustainable 发展 (CEBDS) today unveiled a new partnership to deliver impactful business engagement and actionable outcomes toward UNFCCC COP30.

在接下来的18个月, WBCSD and CEBDS will work together to mobilize the private sector in Brazil and the international business community, 提供雄心勃勃的行动议程,以保持1.5c活的和驱动的实现.

At the heart of this partnership is a commitment from WBCSD and CEBDS to support the COP Presidencies by mobilizing business action and developing a number of major outcomes in key value chains by COP30 that would not succeed without business engagement, 例如, to support the Amazon ecosystem and to accelerate green industrialization. The goals also include strengthening the relationship between CEBDS and WBCSD for longer-term impact and streamlining coordination between the Parties on common work areas, 比如公平和再生农业.

在接下来的两年里, 巴西将成为全球正规博彩十大网站排名议程的中心, 举办2024年G20峰会, 2025年金砖四国, 以及《正规博彩十大网站》第30次缔约方会议轮值主席国. 联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)第三十次缔约方会议(COP30)将成为亚马逊河流域的历史性时刻, 对气候行动和生物多样性至关重要的生态系统, 将首次成为联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议的背景. 该伙伴关系将为私营部门提供“任务1.5°C”, launched by the Troika of UNFCCC COP Presidencies and build momentum during major milestones this year, 包括在卡利举行的《正规博彩十大网站》第16次缔约方会议和在巴库举行的《正规博彩十大网站》第29次缔约方会议.

这种伙伴关系的一个例子是净零平台, a program that provides comprehensive guidance to support Brazilian companies in transitioning to a low-carbon economy. The initiative will help accelerate climate actions at all levels that influence companies' ability to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: within the companies themselves, 跨价值链, 在国家公共政策方面, 在国际净零标准中.

The private sector is one of the key driving forces behind the implementation of ambitious solutions in support of the Paris Agreement and the Montreal-Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework. The role of business was prominently highlighted in the outcome of the Global Stocktake at UNFCCC COP28, which emphasized the need for stronger cooperation between governments, 企业, 财政和公民社会加速进步. 在一起, WBCSD and CEBDS have over 27 years of engagement in sustainable development, working with ambitious 企业 across all sectors and value chains.

WBCSD与230多家大型跨国企业合作, driving systems transformation for a better world in which 9+ billion people can live well within planetary boundaries. CEBDS has a membership of 110+ major companies headquartered or with a major footprint in Brazil, 总收入约为4万亿雷亚尔. Both WBCSD and CEBDS work across the sustainability imperatives of climate, 自然, and 股本 and combine CEO-level engagement with technical capabilities to drive action and implementation.

总裁彼得·巴克(Peter Bakker)评论了这一合作关系 & WBCSD首席执行官, said: “I am thrilled to be partnering with Marina Grossi and her exceptional team at CEBDS. This partnership will unite two organizations with a rich history in sustainable development to drive impactful business engagement and action toward COP30. Brazil has an incredibly important role to play on the global stage over two years and it is equally vital that we drive ambitious private sector support to achieve the outcomes on finance, 股本, land use and industrial transformation that we need to deliver on 任务1.5oC. WBCSD and CEBDS are committed to leveraging our expertise with the private sector to secure robust and ambitious outcomes that address climate change, 停止自然损失,减少不平等.”

"Brazil is a very well-positioned country to achieve a just transition to a net-zero economy with a positive impact on 自然 by 2030 due to our natural advantages. As such, we have the potential to contribute to global warming mitigation significantly. This partnership between CEBDS and WBCSD will be important in working to strengthen the role of the Brazilian business sector at the forefront of sustainable development, with active participation in shaping public policies and adopting practices that reduce its impact on the environment" said Marina Grossi, 总统, CEBDS.


  • The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) and the Brazilian Council for Sustainable 发展 (CEBDS) announce partnership to mobilize the private sector in Brazil and globally towards impactful business engagement and actionable outcomes ahead of the UNFCCC COP30 in 2025.
  • 在接下来的两年里, 巴西将举办几项重要的全球活动, 包括2024年的G20, 2025年金砖四国, 以及《正规博彩十大网站》第30次缔约方会议轮值主席国. The UNFCCC COP30 in Belém will be particularly historic as it will be set against the backdrop of the Amazon for the first time, 强调其对气候行动的重要性, 生物多样性与公平.
  • The partnership aims to deliver a high-ambition action agenda to maintain the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. 这包括支持缔约方会议主席, 在关键价值链上取得重大成果, and initiatives to support the Amazon ecosystem and accelerate green industrialization.

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